Philadelphia Tattoo Convention

Lolly PopLolly Pop

Tattoos!  They are everywhere.  I love the art, and color, and design of so many of them, am confused by some of them, but with my love of street photography I have found that the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention is a fun place to visit for many reasons.  There are so many silent stories walking around in that convention center, with bare skin showing, and bodies and tattoos proudly displayed.  Some are upsetting to me as I feel like they border on disfigurement, some are as beautifully crafted as a work of nature, but all of them are whispering, or screaming out a story needing to be told. The people there, whether they are sporting their body art, designing it on art tablets, or inking it on others, are mostly all willing to share their craft and with permission most will agree willingly to allow photographs.  

My eldest son had many tattoos on his body that I only had glimpses of over the years.  He hid then when he was at our house, always with long sleeves, but I knew they were there.  I learned later that he was also very talented in the art of designing and tattooing.  

Ryan is/was a heroin addict and has managed to keep more secrets from me than just the tattoos.  I am left now with a huge box full of drawings and designs on tissue paper while he has been missing for more than a year.  I wish I knew the rest of his story, although I sometimes feel like I never knew the middle, and maybe not even the beginning.  If he is still alive I can only hope to have the chance to talk to him more, among other things, about his tattoos, and what they mean.  

Tattoos!  If you have them..... let them speak, they are so quiet, sitting there on arms and legs and sometimes faces.  If you want one... get one.. why not?  And make sure you check out the tattoo convention... View it as an art gallery!  A museum of unusual and beautiful things.  you might be surprised at the people you will meet and how nice everyone is and how much fun you will have.  

Bring a camera for sure! 

Tat taa




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